| Use Facebook Marketplace To Market Your Business

Use Facebook Marketplace To Market Your Business

By Cali Pinkstaff, Agency Manager

No you didn’t read the blog title wrong. As of late 2017, Facebook started allowing businesses to market themselves in the Marketplace section! Just as they have improved the “community” feel through Facebook Groups, they intend to take it one step further with this feature as well. If you have a Facebook, chances are you’ve used Marketplace to at least browse items before. They’ve made it easily accessible through the app by placing the toggle on the bottom your home screen.

If you’ve recently scrolled through the Marketplace, you might have noticed that there are ads in the “browse” section listed as “featured deals”. If you click on any of those, it will lead you to a whole new page with sales from larger brand name stores where you can now purchase from inside the Facebook app. Cool, huh? The bad news? Facebook hasn’t quiiitee introduced that option for small business owners…yet. Rumor has it, they will soon allow for it, so stay tuned! You can read the current rules by clicking HERE.

What can we do in the mean time? 

Create an ad! As a social media marketing agency, we try to focus on primarily promoting organic growth. In certain cases, paid advertisement can be beneficial. Here are the times a paid advertisement would be appropriate:

  • You’re a newer business and would like the exposure.
  • You’re having a sale, promotion, or event.
  • You want to gain awareness for potential new clients.

When you create an ad through Facebook Ads Manager, it will allow you to choose where your ad will end up within the Facebook & Instagram platforms. (Keep in mind what you are trying to sell or accomplish when choosing where to place your ad.)

Here are some examples that we have personally seen:



Happy advertising!

Not sure how to start your campaign? We’ll meet with you for a complimentary consultation! Give us a shout! info@germono.com



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