| Summer Reading List: 10 Must Read Books for Today’s Business Person

Summer Reading List: 10 Must Read Books for Today’s Business Person

Do you remember when you were a kid in school, and they’d hand you a list of books you should read over the summer? I know a good percentage of you threw that list in the trash can in favor of swimsuits and skinned knees. But then again, a good percentage of you crossed a few off the list on your family road trip to Disney.

Fast forward to 2017: we’re inundated with online, “snackable” content curated for us. We’re reading one pixel at a time, all day long. Offline reading has become a quiet, seldom retreat for today’s business person.

I get it, you’re thinking to yourself, who has time to read books these days? I will tell you who: thought leaders, go-getters and people that make things happen. Want to join them? Technology has made it easier for you: listen on Audible or scroll through your Kindle Fire. Or, gasp!, read an actual book during that well-deserved beach vacation.

Don’t know what you should be reading? When I’m in search of book recommendations on a particular subject, I ask the experts. Some members of the Milspo Project have been kind enough to recommend this “Must Read” list for those in business. These military spouses are lady-bosses, family ringleaders, and still, they make time for a good read. So check out the list below and report back to us with your takeaways!

  • “Playing Big” by Tara Mohr
  • “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown
  • “Million Dollar Women” by Julia Pimsleur
  • “Knowing Your Value” by Mika Brzezinski
  • “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon
  • “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero
  • “Contagious” by Jonah Berger
  • “EntreLeadership” by Dave Ramsey
  • “Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield
  • “Business Dating” by Honoree Corder


Lindsey Germono is the founder and CEO of Germono Advertising Company with over 19 years experience in media and marketing. She can be reached at info@germono.com

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