| 5 Tips For Working From Home Pt 2

5 Tips For Working From Home Pt 2

5 Tips For Working From Home Pt 2

By Molly Vivian, Marketing Intern

The Germono Ninjas have always done the bulk of our work remotely. We are gratefully given the freedom to best sort out our own work practices and I wanted to follow-up on our 5 Tips For Working From Home post to share my own version of what working from home looks like for me.

“Start your week by time blocking or batching your tasks to keep yourself in check.”

I rely primarily on an old-fashioned day planner to block out my week. Everything goes in here, not just work. Because I have the luxury of flexible working hours, I can schedule a personal appointment in the middle of a standard workday. Most of my work scheduled events arrive in my email, which automatically loads into an online calendar. I write those down in my day planner too. I know that sounds a little clunky and, yes, I know there are many online apps that allow you to track it all, but I don’t always have my electronic devices open or handy (gasp!) for a quick reference and to jot down reminders. I have to close the laptop now and then or I will just keep working!

“Each individual Germono Ninja has developed a different groove, and you will too.”

As Bobbie Anne mentioned in the previous blog post, your manager won’t be popping by your cubicle to check on you. If you are new to remote work, be honest with yourself if you’re struggling to stay focused. Of course, you can pause in the middle of your work to start a batch of chili in the slow cooker for dinner later or take Rover for a walk. Think of those activities as scheduled work breaks and set a time limit for them. I can quickly get distracted by household chores with kitchen activities as my worst temptation. I know I have to set a timer or I’ll go from throwing a few ingredients in the Crockpot to a making a batch of cookies and the corresponding clean-up in nothing flat!

“Whether you are the head of a team, or team member, consistent communication throughout your workday is going to be vital.”

This is my most challenging dynamic. I tend to get lost in my work and have to remember that my team can’t see what I’m working on. I don’t often give regular updates until I have a finished product. Update your team more often than you think is necessary.

“Do not neglect self-care.”

Now more than ever, maintaining morale is challenging. Don’t neglect your own self-care and check in with your team to see how they are faring. We are all struggling in isolation, even us introverts who think that working from home is the ideal workplace solution. I’m a hardcore morning person and I get to work as soon as the first cup of coffee can be poured. I have to set reminders on my phone to eat my breakfast and take regular breaks or I’ll work until I’m hangry and burnt out! The new workflow you nail down now just may make you even more productive when you get back into your regular office routine.

If working from home is your new normal, you can find more work from home tips here:

5 Tips For Working From Home

How To Help Your Team Work From Home

3 Beginner Video Conferencing Call Tips

Bobbie Anne Williams