| Past Events from May 24, 2017 - June 21, 2018

Lattes and Laptops Workshop Series: Camera Ready

Germono Advertising Company 838 Granby St., Norfolk, VA, United States

WHAT IS THE "CAMERA READY" WORKSHOP? Camera ready in the media world means something is in the right form and of good enough quality to be reproduced photographically. This workshop will focus on what it...



Wynn Las Vegas

What is IMPACT17? Hosted by the Internet Marketing Association, IMPACT is a conference and networking event for those within the digital marketing space. Register HERE.

MilspoCON 2017

TekMountain 1844 Sir Tyler Drive, Wilmington, NC, United States

What is MilspoCON? The annual conference and retreat for the Milspo Project will take place in Wilmington, NC on October 5th and 6th. Military spouse entrepreneurs will meet other like-minded military spouses and learn how...

Lattes and Laptops Workshop Series: Facebook Advertising

Germono Advertising Company 838 Granby St., Norfolk, VA, United States

WHAT IS THE "FACEBOOK ADVERTISING" WORKSHOP? This workshop will walk you through creating and managing a Facebook advertising campaign. First we will bring you up to speed and review best practices when it comes to...


Lattes and Laptops Workshop: LinkedIn

Germono Advertising Company 838 Granby St., Norfolk, VA, United States

WHAT IS THE "LINKEDIN" WORKSHOP? This workshop will guide you on the best practices and strategies when it comes to LinkedIn. We will start with an introduction to LinkedIn and help you create a profile...


Social Media Marketing World

What is Social Media Marketing World? Hosted by Social Media Examiner, the Social Media Marketing World conference will, according to their website, help you to "discover the best social media marketing techniques from the world’s...

Lattes and Laptops: Social Media

Lee House 400 Bayfront Pkwy, Pensacola, FL, United States

WHAT IS THE "SOCIAL MEDIA" WORKSHOP? This workshop will guide you on a social media educational journey!  Covering LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, this workshop is beneficial for any professional or business owner looking to expand...
