Last month we discussed several ways to create marketing plans and we wanted to take a few minutes to explain why. Since we want you to truly understand their importance, today the team discusses the...
This has been a heavy week with the 16th anniversary of 9/11, as well as the news of all the devastation left in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. These are real crises.
In the...
When a crisis occurs, it can be hard to see through the chaos. Planning is key to effectively communicating during a crisis. Using the trusty who, what, when, where, why, you can set yourself up...
Brand ambassadors and brand advocates can play a key role in your organization’s marketing strategy. Where do you find these folks to embody your brand and shout its greatness from the rooftops? Look no further...
By Jennifer Garrott, Marketing Coach
Spin is a dirty word in the public relations world. Unfortunately, it is the term most used to describe the work of PR practitioners. The countless hours of behind the scenes...
Let’s be honest here: most standard press releases are never read by the media contact or the prospect you desire to read it. Most releases are submitted on ‘blast’ – distributed in mass form to various outlets of assorted demographics and audience – speaking to, well, no one in particular really. Kind of a Hail Mary pass for generating buzz.
A press release for your business plays two roles: