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By Bobbie Anne W, Marketing Assistant Many business owners and employees around the world are transitioning to remote work for the first time. As a Germono ninja, I thrive working from home, but working remotely isn't...

By Molly Vivian, Social Media Intern Let’s face it, we fell in love with social media platforms to connect with the people we know and then to be entertained and informed. It is a highly personal...

By Lindsey Germono and Bobbie Anne Williams "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." - Michael Jordan Bobbie Anne: Is it satisfying to step back to look at and highlight the success of a goal...

Let’s be honest here: most standard press releases are never read by the media contact or the prospect you desire to read it. Most releases are submitted on ‘blast’ – distributed in mass form to various outlets of assorted demographics and audience – speaking to, well, no one in particular really. Kind of a Hail Mary pass for generating buzz. A press release for your business plays two roles: