15 Sep 000: DROP AND GIVE ME 20
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Here we go! Welcome to Drop and Give Me 20! As you might expect or know personally, the military community is full of successful business owners, managers, and leaders across all industries, military and civilian. Time to show them off and learn from their experiences! Hear stories of active duty members, military spouses, and veterans as host Lindsey Germono shines a spotlight on their challenges, triumphs, and the insights learned through determination and best business practices.
In this, the debut episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono talks about:
- Why she started the show
- Who should be listening
- How long she plans to podcast for
- What problem she is trying to solve
- How she’s finding her guests
“Drop and Give Me 20 was created to highlight the real life of a military entrepreneur.” – Lindsey Germono