15 Sep 001: The Milspo Project
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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono speaks with Elizabeth Boardman, the Co-founder and Executive Director of The Milspo Project. The Milspo Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps military spouses start and grow businesses through programs like events, meetups, and workbooks.
Important topics they discuss:
- Elizabeth’s background and what The Milspo Project does
- How far The Milspo Project has come in two years since its founding
- Her biggest challenge as a military spouse entrepreneur
- Her views on self-doubt and how it affects other entrepreneurs and creatives
- Her approach to dealing with challenges as a military spouse entrepreneur
- Her advice for military spouse entrepreneurs
“The growth we’ve seen has been very humbling and so wonderful to be a part of.” – Elizabeth Boardman