| 003 – Barks and Bows

003 – Barks and Bows

003 – Barks and Bows

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono speaks with Kristen Smith, the Owner of Barks and Bows. Barks and Bows creates all natural dog treats, hand-crafted collars, and other pet accessories.

Important topics they discuss:

  •  Kristen’s biggest challenge right now [3:22]
  •  Kristen’s approach to staying positive during the workday [5:35]
  •  What Kristen would tell someone moving into entrepreneurship [7:04]
  •  How Kristen balances being a parent, being a military spouse, and building a business [8:09]
  •  Kristen’s thoughts on working with Etsy [10:57]


“Etsy is a great starting point for small businesses before jumping into your own site.” – Kristen Smith


Email: barksandbows.etsy@gmail.com



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