| 009: [Mini-Series] Veteran Resource Podcast

009: [Mini-Series] Veteran Resource Podcast

009: [Mini-Series] Veteran Resource Podcast

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono speaks with Jeremy Paris, 10-year Army veteran and podcaster. Jeremy hosts the Veteran Resource Podcast and co-founded the only kid-focused podcast network, Podcast Playground.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [1:02] All About Jeremy
  • [5:00] The Veteran Resource Podcast
  • [5:40] Jeremy’s Tips for 2017 – Networking & Processes
  • [8:42] Advice Jeremy offers to Non-Profits [Hint: Niche, Niche, Niche]


“There’s no way we could accomplish all we do if we didn’t have the processes in place to automate, outsource, and batch.” – Jeremy Paris



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