012: The Company Project

012: The Company Project

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono speaks with Brian Richardson, the Founder of The Company Project. He works with small businesses in the firearms industry to define strategies for their products and services so that they can find, motivate, and keep profitable customers.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [1:14] All about Brian and The Company Project
  • [3:07] Niche, niche, niche: Brian goes from small business to focusing on the firearms industry
  • [7:17] Obstacles in the transition from military to entrepreneur
  • [8:23] Understanding how business partnerships work
  • [11:25] How to find, motivate, and keep profitable customers
  • [15:58] Does your website measure up?



“Passion will get you through some lean times but it won’t necessarily make you have a successful business..the good stuff happens at the intersection of passion and ability.” – Brian Richardson



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