014: Powerhouse Planning

014: Powerhouse Planning

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey Germono speaks with Jessica Bertsch, founder of Powerhouse Planning.  Powerhouse Planning (Powerhouse) guides companies toward initiating and instituting high-IMPACT business plans that succeed in the forms of growth, recognition, efficiency, and new opportunities.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [2:07]  All about Powerhouse Planning
  • [4:48] The five pillars of Powerhouse Planning
  • [5:23] How Jessica taps into the skills of military spouses and veterans to build her team
  • [8:28] Jessica’s biggest mistake in the beginning of launching her business
  • [10:01]  Jessica’s letter to new CEO’s
  • [10:45] The benefits of having a professional mentor
  • [12:08] The importance of giving back when running a business

“We don’t want to lose our professional identity, want to continue to flourish and do awesome things as well over a 20+ year career.” – Jessica Bertsch



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