15 Mar 018: [Mini-Series] Anthony Williams
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This segment is the 3 of a 5 part series dedicated to our active duty service members transitioning out of the service and starting their entrepreneurial journey. Lindsey Germono interviews Anthony Williams, Army veteran and founder of SAW Contracting, Inc. Listen as Anthony shares how he took what he learned while active duty as preparation for his future commercial construction business.
Important topics they discuss:
- [1:20] His Old Dominion University ROTC days
- [2:13] Anthony’s experiences during his deployments
- [5:10] He became asst. project manager, learned the ropes and moved up 6 years
- [6:00] Didn’t think he’d own a business, joined Army to travel the world and get away from home
- [7:20] What does he use from the military in his business today?
- [9:19] Piece of advice he’d give to his younger self
- [11:18] His dreams of ice cream and opening a dog rescue
- [13:08] What his construction business looks like
- [14:17] Tips to any military who’s starting a business
“We’re a government contractor…everything has to be organized, prepared properly, communicated properly.'” – Anthony Williams
Old Dominion University
Saw Contracting
Saw Contracting Facebook Page
Anthony’s LinkedIn Profile
Facebook Group – Drop and Give Me 20