15 May 023: MadSkills
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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviews the women behind MadSkills, (now Instant Teams) a company that allows you to outsource all your business needs to highly skilled military spouses. Meet Erica McMannes and Liza Rodewald as they share how their passion of providing opportunities for military spouses led them to starting MadSkills. You’ll also learn the ins and outs on how to start a business and form a partnership that works!
They have created an awesome business that not only helps military spouses, but also provides opportunities to empower them to earn income from anywhere in the world! Don’t miss this amazing episode!
Important topics they discuss:
- [1:15] Who are Erica and Liza and what is MadSkills
- [2:09] Why MadSkills?
- [4:35] Common misconceptions about virtual and remote work
- [6:05] Events and Happenings that they are working on
- [8:14] Why business partnerships are like marriages
- [10:22] The future of MadSkills
- [13:00] Issues with candidates who work from posts
- [14:50] Some personal questions
- [17:15] Advice for fellow military spouses who want to start a business
“Spouses are a force to be reckoned with, more people should know about you all. And that was like a light bulb in my head, people need to know more about us outside the military community…” – Erica McMannes
MadSkills Facebook Page
Erica’s LinkedIn Profile
Liza’s LinkedIn Profile