| 027: Esther Avant Wellness Coaching

027: Esther Avant Wellness Coaching

027: Esther Avant Wellness Coaching

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviews Esther Avant, a Nutrition Coach, a Personal Trainer and the owner of Esther Avant Wellness Coaching.
Esther talks about how she overcame the struggles of having a virtual business as a military spouse. She also shares her ways of bringing in new clients.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [01:14] About Wellness Coaching
  • [02:39] Esther’s struggles to overcome in the business
  • [06:04] Advice to other military spouse business owners/entrepreneurs
  • [09:29] Esther’s role model
  • [09:55] One thing Esther’s clients struggle with
  • [10:47] Esther’s business five years from now
  • [12:02] Bringing in new clients



“You didn’t graduate college and end up a CEO. You had to show up everyday and put in the work and overtime.  You got to where you wanted to be… and it’s the same thing with business.” – Esther Avant

Esther Avant
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