| 028: Megan Hall

028: Megan Hall

028: Megan Hall

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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviews Megan Hall, a podcaster and a military spouse entrepreneur. Megan has a wonderful community tailored to helping woman called Inspired Women Community.

Megan talks about her journey as a military spouse to becoming a successful entrepreneur and helping women through life coaching.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [01:30] Megan’s backstory
  • [03:08] About Life Coaching
  • [04:23] How to connect with a life coach
  • [05:03] What makes Megan stand out
  • [06:43] Megan’s journey as a military spouse and as an entrepreneur
  • [09:22] Coaching clients
  • [10:40] Megan’s advice to other military spouse entrepreneurs
  • [11:55] Running a business at home
  • [15:36] Two years from now, where will Megan Hall be
  • [16:06] Building a team



“So with military spouse and being an entrepreneur, it was about finding my people – finding the people I can connect with, I can resonate with, and those who are going to support me, but also maybe I can support them as well.” – Megan Hall

Inspired Women Community
Inspired Women Podcast Website
Inspired Women Podcast Facebook 
Inspired Women Podcast’s Instagram
Megan Hall’s Website
Megan’s Facebook Profile
Megan’s Instagram
Megan’s Twitter
Megan’s LinkedIn

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