01 Jul 034: How to Run a Remote Business
In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, guest host Erin Ward interviews Laura Renner, Founder of Freedom Makers and Diana Jaquith, Co-Founder of WISE Advise + Assist Team.
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Freedom Makers’ mission is to support military spouses and their families by creating a path to stable, uninterrupted employment and income. Their virtual assistants are military spouses who, due to their association with the military, understand how to be flexible and deliver top-notch service.
The Wise Advise + Assist Team helps businesses to strive, strategize and accelerate growth, while both empowering and employing military spouses.
They will be discussing how to run a remote business and how to manage both the clients and the business. Today’s episode is a must listen. Tune in and enjoy!
Important topics they discuss:
- [02:02] Their remote businesses
- [03:26] Running a remote business for military spouses/veterans is a good fit
- [08:46] Sticking to the model of doing things virtually
- [10:26] Tools they’re using to make things easy for them
- [14:36] Managing their team remotely
- [16:34] The reason Laura’s team is called “Freedom Makers”
- [18:54] Something they’re doing that might be unique from a remote aspect
- [19:43] Things Diana and her team does to build organizational culture
- [25:50] Their biggest light bulb moment while creating their remote business
“In the virtual environment, what we do is we put out our why. Why do we exist? We exist because we believe that everyone should be able to have a career life and family… For our clients, we want them to be able to grow their business and spend more time with their families, and have a life…” – Diana Jaquith