| 039: Becoming an Author

039: Becoming an Author

039: Becoming an Author

In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey is joined by two of her friends, Judy Davis and Lauren Cecora, to talk about becoming an author.

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Judy Davis is a military spouse and a successful entrepreneur. The motivational speaker is known nationwide as the Direction Diva. The published author and co-founder of DASIUM is also considered an authority on military life and small business success and is leading the way in depression, addiction, and suicide prevention in teens/young adults.

Lauren Cecora is a military spouse and the author of the book Past-Partum: From Shattered to Sane. Lauren is a postpartum mentor. In 2015, after the birth of her daughter, she was diagnosed with postpartum depression and later postpartum anxiety. In her book, Lauren shared her postpartum depression and anxiety story as well as her sanity saving tips to help any mother regain their sanity.

Important topics they discuss:

  • [01:24] Getting to know Lauren and Judy
  • [03:00] Judy’s books
  • [04:06] What made Judy start writing a book
  • [04:45] How depression hit her son
  • [05:04] Her motivation in writing her book “Warning Signs”
  • [06:14] Lauren’s book
  • [07:11] Some of the sanity saving tips
  • [10:50] The traditional way of publishing
  • [11:45] Tips on finding a publisher
  • [13:57] Self-publishing
  • [17:19] Process of getting your book published
  • [20:08] On marketing
  • [21:22] On having a vast audience
  • [23:21] People’s review/feedback



“There’s no better joy than holding your published copy when it’s all done. I don’t think there’s a better feeling other than the first time you hold your baby. It’s one of those things but writing the book is only a fraction of what it means to even have a publisher or self-publish. It’s just the beginning.” – Judy Davis


Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford


Judy Davis:
The Direction Diva
Right Side Up by Judy Davis
Warning Signs by Judy Davis

Lauren Cecora:
Lauren’s Website
Lauren Cecora – The Sanity Saver Facebook Page
Lauren on Instagram
Past-Partum: From Shattered to Sane by Lauren Cecora


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