15 Oct 041: Managing Employees
In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviewed two of her friends, Dianna Flett of Girl Smarts and Carl Churchill of Alpha Coffee.
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Dianna Flett is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and has served 21 years in various positions as a military intelligence officer. Girl Smarts is a series of workshops designed to give our young girls motivation and skills to move forward with confidence and strength in the years ahead.
Carl Churchill is the Co-Founder and Chief Coffee Officer of Alpha Coffee. Carl is a combat veteran with 21 years of service as both an enlisted soldier and officer. Alpha Coffee is a veteran and military-spouse co-owned and operated company dedicated to offering our customers amazing coffee, promoting the warrior lifestyle, providing the highest levels of service, and giving back to our military and veterans.
They’re going to talk about their backgrounds, Carl giving bag of coffees to deployed service members, managing employees, and more. Tune in and enjoy!
Important topics they discuss:
- [01:24] Diana and Carl’s background
- [04:24] For every bag of Alpha Coffee purchased, a cup goes to deployed service members
- [05:56] Tips for those who have employees
- [10:59] What After Action Review (AAR) is
- [15:01] What gave them an opportunity to learn as a leader
“Sometimes I think people who have their own business has stopped working on their own leadership, and we can’t do that, we have to stay keen on our own leadership skills.” – Dianna Flett
Carl’s Alpha Coffee
Carl’s Email Adress: carlc@alpha.coffe.com
Dianna’s Girl Smarts
Dianna’s Email Address: info@girlsmarts.com
Dianna’s Facebook Page