059: Adam Bird and Trish Alegre-Smith

059: Adam Bird and Trish Alegre-Smith

Welcome back to another episode of Drop and Give Me 20! Trish Alegre-Smith and Adam Bird are our first guests for this new season.

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Trish Alegre-Smith is featured as a Standout Air Force Veteran and Spouse in Military Officer Magazine in 2018 and a featured entrepreneur on Hiring America TV in 2019.

She is a professional headshot, branding, and event photographer in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area. She teams with other photographers, videographers, and stylists to customize each photography session for her clients and their specific needs.

Adam Bird is an Army veteran and the founder of Heroes Media Group and co-founder of several other projects.

Heroes Media Group (HMG) is a digital media, branding, and publishing platform committed to providing a voice for community heroes and those who support them. HMG is dedicated to providing education, entertainment, and empowerment to active duty service members, veterans, firefighters, first responders, law enforcement, educators, medical professionals, and the clergy.


  • [00:55] Introductions
  • [01:50] This season’s concept
  • [03:30] Changes on Trish’s business
  • [04:19] COVID-19 impacts
  • [06:20] Adam on making pivots and transitions in business and how the military prepared him for it
  • [09:45] How both Adam and Trish are really doing with their businesses as military entrepreneurs
  • [17:50] Advice to new veterans who are thinking of starting a business
  • [23:20] Experiencing the impostor syndrome


  • [22:59] “There are some things in life better permanent. Yes, but there are many things that aren’t.” – Claire


Adam Bird


Trish Alegre-Smith


Claire Yanta-O’Mahoney

Germono Advertising Company