061: Sally Ann Zoll and Zoie Hoffman

061: Sally Ann Zoll and Zoie Hoffman

Welcome back to another episode of Drop and Give Me 20! Today’s episode features two guests who have very lateral educational backgrounds!

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Sally Ann Zoll is the CEO of United Through Reading. Sally serves as the chief guardian and spokesperson for the organization’s vision and mission, builds and sustains relationships with stakeholders and partners, and leads programs, finances, and internal team. Sally is an army spouse of more than 30 years and her son, an army reservist, has served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Zoie Hoffman is a passionate educator, air force wife, and the owner of Hoffman Tutoring Group. She helps students in grades K-8 get the personalized online tutoring they need by connecting them with qualified educators. These educators are able to meet your child’s specific learning needs by planning instruction and learning activities.


  • [02:00] Introductions
  • [04:55] How 2020 has been for Zoie and Sally
  • [06:42] The status of United Through Reading during this pandemic
  • [10:00] On Sally being worried and taking care of her team
  • [11:36] How Zoie is doing and how the pandemic has affected her organization
  • [12:15] Zoie on being a new mom of twins
  • [14:40] Advice the guests would give to someone who is thinking about starting a business or to someone leading an organization
  • [17:25] Importance of patience
  • [20:18] On disconnecting


  • [17:25] “Patience is what I tell my team is like water in a rock. It drips, drips, drips and all of a sudden you see it made an impact.” -Sally


Zoie Hoffman


Sally Ann Zoll


Claire Yanta-O’Mahoney

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