062: Michaela Rosales and Melissa St. Clair

062: Michaela Rosales and Melissa St. Clair

Welcome back to another episode of Drop and Give Me 20! Today’s episode features Michaela Rosales and Melissa St. Clair.

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Michaela Rosales is a transitional life coach and the founder of Honest Talk International. She shares her experiences as military entrepreneur who is passionate about connecting, relating and encouraging women to grow in confidence.

Melissa St. Clair is a military spouse and the Chief Worker Bee at Paper Chaser, providing online office support for a variety of small businesses as a Virtual Assistant (VA). She strives to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses by taking over their tedious tasks and increasing their productivity.


  • [02:10] Introductions
  • [03:58] 2020 and Michaela and Melissa’s businesses
  • [09:11] Biggest struggles for them and their clients
  • [12:20] Advice they would give to someone in the military who is thinking of starting a business
  • [17:00] Setting the foundation at the beginning of how you can find the moments of self-care
  • [23:04] The loneliness of entrepreneurship and ways to overcome it


  • [09:34] “You have to remind yourself that you can’t do it all, all the time,” – Michaela


Michaela Rosales


Melissa St. Clair


Claire Yanta-O’Mahoney


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