01 Jan 064: Corie Weathers and Tammy Meyer
Welcome back to another episode of Drop and Give Me 20! Corie Weathers and Tammy Meyer joins us in our first episode for 2021!
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Corie Weathers is a military spouse, a licensed professional counselor (LPC), a sought-after speaker, consultant and author of Sacred Spaces: My Journey to the Heart of Military Marriage. She has focused her career for the last 20 years as a counselor specializing in marriage, divorce, women’s issues, PTSD, and substance abuse.
Tammy Meyer is a military spouse, a certified Life Coach, a certified Purpose Clarity Life and Career Coach, and a Health and Wellness Advocate and Educator. She helps military spouses keep their own identity, enjoy a thriving career, and pursue their personal best in health and fitness.
- [02:33 Guest introductions
- [03:35] Corie and Tammy shared how they came to know each other via Armed Forces Spouse of the Year
- [06:35] Not needing any labels and not feeling the need to only associate with someone in the same branch
- [08:35] Career transitions and opportunities
- [17:29] Things from 2020 that they would like to carry on to 2021
- [28:35] Word/mantra that they will take in to 2021
- [11:24] “That’s the great thing of being an entrepreneur, you can be portable. You can take it wherever you want to go. You can change and shift or pause, take a break. You just have that full control and have that full creative control too of whatever you want your business to be.” – Corie Weathers
Corie Weathers
- Corie’s website
- Corie on Instagram
- The Life Giver Directory
- Sacred Spaces: My Journey to the Heart of Military Marriage
Tammy Meyer
- Email Address: tammymeyerlifecoach@gmail.com
- Tammy on Instagram
Claire Yanta-O’Mahoney
- Fleur de Lis Fitness
- Claire Yanta-O’Mahoney on Instagram
- Email Address: claire@fdlfitness.com