01 Nov 068: Jessica Hall
Welcome back to another episode of Drop and Give Me 20!
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Jessica Hall of United Through Reading joins us in today’s episode.
As the Director of Marketing and Communications, Jessica strategically leads United Through Reading’s marketing and communication efforts. She has over ten years of experience working in publishing and nonprofits, creating content and managing communications strategies across digital platforms.
- [2:54] Introducing Jessica Hall
- [5:36] Jessica shares the first time she had to quit a job
- [9:44] The reality behind remote work
- [12:17] The inter-state hiring crisis
- [15:01] Bridging the gap between being a parent and employee
- [17:22] The importance of organizations
- [21:39] Getting rid of toxic mindsets in groups
- [28:09] Words of wisdom for listeners
- [25:08] You don’t want to burn bridges. – Jessica Hall
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