| 10 Ways Pi Beta Phi Prepared Me for Entrepreneurship

10 Ways Pi Beta Phi Prepared Me for Entrepreneurship



  1. Be passionate about your mission and values.
  2. Be helpful, patient, and respectful towards those who need guidance.
  3. You aren’t going to like everyone, but you have to overcome obstacles and learn to work together.
  4. It’s not all about the party. There is a lot of work that goes behind the scenes to become successful and people aren’t going to always see that.
  5. People will judge you, say negative things about you, and try to take advantage of you because of what they think they know about your business.
  6. Your priority is to do your job, then you can celebrate.
  7. Hold yourself accountable and show up on time or they might start the meeting without you.
  8. If you are unprepared, you only have yourself to blame. If you’re going to pull an all-nighter, you better be sure you don’t have anything important to do the next day.
  9. If you want to be the best, follow the pioneers.
  10. Learn from your mistakes.
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