30 Nov Annual Marketing Plans: The Final Stage In Your Marketing Planning
By: Julie Goode
This is it!!!! The end of our monthly steps to help you create your annual marketing plan. We’re going to take everything we learned this year and wrap it all up with a bow this month as we focus on annual marketing plans. We can help develop your annual plan, guide you on ideas, and create content strategies.
Consider The Different Marketing Plans
Don’t feel overwhelmed, you’ll just need at least one marketing plan to go off of each year. It can be in a word document, nothing too complicated. It’s okay to have just one plan.
Check out this article by @asana that describes in depth the different marketing plans: https://asana.com/resources/marketing-plan
Review Your Entire Content
When creating your annual marketing plan, review your entire content beforehand as it can guide you on the direction you should go in and give you a head start in planning your content.
When doing so we recommend:
-Reviewing your analytics (we say this a lot but that’s only because it is so important!!!!)
-Picking the top 10 posts that performed well and add them into your next year’s content plan. -Consider repurposing the content for other uses
Which Platforms Are You Dropping?
For the platforms you’ve considered dropping from your marketing plan, create a pinned post to guide followers on where to find you. Here is an example of how we pivoted away from Twitter (I mean X ). We have this post pinned on our Twitter/X feed: click here to see it.
Which Platforms Are You Continuing With?
At this point, you should have each platform ranked as to which ones are successful for your business. Place them in order of effectiveness. For us as an agency, we have ours ranked as follows:
1. Instagram
2. LinkedIn
3. Facebook
4. Google
5. YouTube
6. Twitter
Take your top 3 platforms, and make sure you plan your strategies around these! You do not need to post everyday and you do not need to be on all of the platforms!
Review And Plan Your Annual Budget
If you haven’t already, now is the time to create your next year’s marketing budget. This should already be formed as you are within weeks of next year.
Which Relationships Do You Need To Create?
While creating your 2024 marketing plan, consider the relationships you need to create to make sure you set those meetings up now before the new year comes around.
In May, we focused our theme on collaborations. Click here to read all of the tips we provided on collaborations.
Survey Your Audience
We suggest surveying your audience to get their feedback on your business strategies. As you plan your 2024 marketing efforts, ask your customers what they hope to see from your business in 2024 and their feedback from 2023.
(Hint, hint) You can use this as content too, you can create a social media post/poll centered around this.
Create New Goals
We love creating annual marketing goals!!!
Our tip today is to list all of your business goals out first in your marketing plan and have them printed out in your office or in your company’s office so all can see the goals and feel like they are a part of them. As your team: why do we feel we can meet these goals?
Create A Mood Board
Before a new launch, you might like to start the planning process with a mood board! Mood boards are a way to develop a cohesive visual and drive inspiration. Here is where you can pinpoint color schemes, fonts, and styles you would like to use in your marketing.
Mood boards can be created physically from magazine cutouts, fabric swatches, and colored markers or digitally.
You did it! Now that we’ve reached the last step, make sure to go back to our previous blog posts if you need to review any of the other steps! Of course, you can ask us questions at any time if you need help with anything, we always offer complimentary 30 minute consultations. Book yours by messaging Lindsey: Lindsey@Germono.com.