08 Aug Back To School Marketing Tips
By Bobbie Anne Williams , Marketing Assistant
Back to school season is the cultural start to a new year! Time to *PIVOT* (in my best Ross Geller voice). It’s the point in the year when everything is transitioning, from the weather to new schedules. Here’s a few tips to help you roll with the changes.
Adjust Your Posting Times
If you have a store front then you are likely adjusting your store hours soon, now that Summer is coming to an end. You’ll want to do the same for your social media marketing. Parents, teens, teachers, and school staff will be switching back to their normal routines meaning your peak post times will change as well. Their days will be starting much earlier than in the Summer so try making a few early morning posts during the week. Be sure to check your analytics for other peak post times that will change!
Back to school season can seem hectic! Now is the time to not just talk about but show your customers how your products and services will make their life easier. This can simply be done through online video marketing and short clips on social media Stories on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Also consider creative store displays, such as a mock desk, to show how your product or service seamlessly fits what they need rather than just a featured shelf. Remember, we shop with our eyes first!
Don’t Forget The Teachers
As most focus their promotions towards students, don’t forget to include something for the educators as well. Many educators are responsible for providing their own supplies and teaching materials. Offer a special promotion to help them start off their year on the right foot! This is a great way to engage with a new audience within your local community even if you’re not offering traditional back to school items.
Keep these things in mind as you craft your messaging and plan out your marketing. Email me if you get stuck! Our team is ready to assist you with affordable hourly coaching sessions to help clarify and direct your plans. Not sure if we’re the right fit? No worries, we offer complimentary consultations. Contact me at BobbieAnne@germono.com