15 Sep 031: Paul A. Dillon
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In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviews Paul A. Dillon, a veteran and the owner of Dillon Consulting Services. Dillon Consulting Services LLC provides project management and business development services for clients in the service industry.
Paul talks about his experiences during his active duty and he shares his passion in helping his co-veterans become entrepreneurs themselves.
Important topics they discuss:
- [01:39] Paul’s active duty Army background
- [04:56] How Paul transitioned into consulting
- [07:17] Facts and figures veterans face in relation to entrepreneurship
- [10:23] How Paul’s company facilitates those interested in entrepreneurship
- [13:53] How Paul overcomes the obstacles in his business
“Every problem has a solution, it takes merely intelligence to find it, and then the courage to act on it.” – Paul A. Dillon
Connect with Paul: Paul@DillonConsult.com