25 Jul How To Market With A Personal Touch
By Lindsey Germono
Everything you do in your marketing should have your voice and personal touch. People make connections online more than ever these days, so it’s important to craft your messaging to how you would normally sound.
For those of us who are confident in writing, coming across with your own touch in your marketing can feel stressful. Here are three tips to get you started:
- A very simple and effective way to market with a personal touch is to write your posts and blogs from your viewpoint. What do you say when people ask you, “what do you do for a living?” In fact, ask a friend to ask you and hit record on your phone. Incorporate verbiage you use in your everyday language to help connect with your audience. People are drawn to people, not a sales pitch.
- Practice. Practice your pitch as many times as possible so you can feel confident. Link up with local networking groups so you can get this practice in!
- Be yourself, be humble and honest with your clients. Ask them what you can do to strengthen their experience with your company. Add questions in your newsletter, through live video, or a thoughtful social media post. This will allow you to tailor your messaging moving forward!
If you need a jumpstart on where to begin when building the tone of your business contact us for a one-on-one session. Call: 757-822-8665 or email: lindsey@germono.com