09 Jun Maximize Your Time by Using an Editorial Calendar
We work with business owners that span a variety of industries. Throughout my conversations, one marketing obstacle has remains consistent, time.
One of the keys to becoming a marketing ninja is planning ahead. Using an editorial calendar for your marketing planning will set you up for success and keep you on track when things get hectic.
So, what is an editorial calendar? An editorial calendar is a calendar that is used to organize your marketing content and plan where and when it will be published. When marketing (and advertising) across multiple platforms, this calendar can get pretty intricate (and quickly overwhelming). To get the organizational ball rolling, let’s keep it simple. Here are a few tips for creating your first calendar.
- Dedicate at least one day each month as your planning/scheduling day.
- Start with a one month calendar. You don’t need a fancy calendar. You can quickly download a calendar from your favorite search engine.
- Focus on one platform, say your Facebook page.
- Start your calendar by filling in any holidays relevant to your brand, company events and promotions. Remember, for events and promotions you may want to begin scheduling content in the days/weeks/months leading up to the actual event date.
- Fill in the remaining dates with other non-event/holiday related content relevant to your brand.
- Schedule! Scheduling is your friend. Scheduling your content in advance will save you time and keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
- Once you feel comfortable with a one-month, one-platform calendar, start expanding to more platforms and more months. You can never plan too far ahead!
Of course, we are here to help. If you need help getting started with your first editorial calendar, drop me an email at Jennifer@Germono.com.