One Month Social Media Push

One Month Social Media Push

By Bobbie Anne Williams, Marketing Assistant

2020 taught us how significant social media can be for your business, but there are 365 days in a year… how can someone possibly know what to post every day? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. You don’t have to post every single day of the year. It’s okay to take a break now and then. For the time in between, we have 20 post prompts for you to use that will help you build a consistent social media routine for your business accounts. Take these prompts to fill your content calendar for one month, then repurpose them for the rest of the year!  Want to post more frequently than 20 days per month, go for it!  We just want to make sure you are consistent, so try our recommendations below then work from there (trust us, we’ve been doing this for over 7 years).

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Day 1: Update profile pictures & cover photos

We recommend updating your business profiles quarterly. The start of a new season is a great time to review all your business information, check your contact details, update profile pictures and cover photos.

Day 2: Answer this question:  who are you?

Don’t assume that your followers know everything about your business. Introduce your business frequently. Make sure you are revisiting this core question at least once a month.

Day 3: Tell your origin story

Help followers better connect with your business by letting them in on the origin story of how your business started. Was it through necessity? A hobby that blossomed into a business?

You can read all about how Germono Advertising Company started here.

Day 4: Answer this question: what do you do?

Your followers aren’t seeing every post you create. Remind followers what you do frequently. Think elevator pitch. Try asking each employee what your business does. We bet they’ll say it a bit differently, so go with it!  Try incorporating how they explain your services and products into your social media post for this day.

Day 5: Weekend vibes

Weekends are a time for followers to wind down, their focus is shifted away from business and moves towards entertainment. Use weekend posts for more lighthearted, non-sales posts. For our weekend vibes, we repurpose quotes from our Drop and Give Me 20®️ podcast episodes.

Day 6: Unofficial  holidays

Our founder has a serious green thumb, so during January, we celebrated Houseplant Appreciation Day. This is an unofficial holiday. If you have gaps in your content calendar, try mixing in a fun trending day like this! Find a creative way to tie it into your business as we did. You can see our post here.

Day 7:  What problem(s) do you solve?

Put yourself in the position of your customer when creating your social media posts. Paint a problem that they have, then explain your solution. It’s okay to reiterate, repost, and remind your followers of the problems you solve.  For example, if social media feels like a burden to you, give us a call.  We offer complimentary 30-minute consultations to see if we’re a good fit for each other!  

Day 8: Answer your frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Managing your own social media can feel like a beast, but social media is really just an extension of your business. 2020 showed business owners that social media followers should be able to connect with you as easily online as they would in-store. A simple way to make this a seamless connection is by turning your frequently asked questions into content.

Remember the basic questions:
Who are you?
What do you do?
Where do you do it?

Day 9: Go behind the scenes

Show us how the magic happens! Last year many storefronts transitioned to curbside pickup and prepackaged items. It’s great to have the convenience of a quick shopping experience, but that can also take away from those who like to browse.

A great way to grab the attention of social media followers and supplement the browsing experience is by showing behind the scenes. Show how your product is made or packaged. Give a first glimpse of a new item that’s not on the shelf yet!

Day 10: What’s your #1 product?

Have you featured your #1 product or service recently? You’ve likely gained some new followers since the last time you posted about it. Add it to your content calendar a few times a month.

Germono’s most popular service is our 1-on-1 hourly coaching sessions. Our hourly sessions are designed to help you get organized, focused, and move forward with a better understanding of what you need in your marketing strategy that’s personalized to your business.

Day 11: Holidays

One of the first steps we take in filling in our content calendar for the month is marking down any holidays. Hop on the trending train to celebrate with your followers by creating a branded post or host a holiday giveaway. Working ahead on these campaigns will make things much more fluid; as opposed to, creating campaigns two days before a major holiday.

Day 12: Share reviews

Let your customers market for you! Use your positive customer reviews as content. People who go out of their way to write a positive review are your biggest fans and they will create new fans through classic word of mouth recommendations.

Check out this example:

Day 13: How do followers book with you?

Make choosing your business easy. Add in reminders throughout your content calendar on how to buy your product or book your service. The less friction a customer deals with from viewing to check out, the better. That includes easily accessible information. You’ve been in their shoes before, you see a nice item that you’re interested in but once you click on the link – it doesn’t go to the item. Test out all of your links and make sure they work.

Day 14: #TBT

A classic Throw-Back-Thursday post is great for breaking up your feed and engaging with followers. It’s fun for people to be able to join in on the nostalgia with you and you can share with them a bit about your business journey. This helps strengthen the online relationship you have with your followers.

Day 15: Meet the founder

Introducing the owner or founder of your business brings a bit of personality to your brand. Getting to know the human behind a product or service helps followers better connect with your business.

Lindsey Germono is our President and Founder here at Germono Advertising Company. As a Hampton Roads, VA local and undergraduate of Old Dominion University, she is dedicated to helping local businesses succeed.  She received her MBA from Regent University and her favorite food in the entire world is pizza.

Day 16: Your top recommendation

Don’t just sell, provide value! Add extra value to your follower’s shopping experience by helping them with your professional recommendations. If you own a clothing boutique, post complete outfits. How can your followers best use your newest seasonal item? Own a restaurant? Post a list of drink pairings for your most popular takeout order. Bonus points if they are nonalcoholic so we can enjoy them while working from home.

Day 17: How-to demos

Show customers how to use your product. As an industry expert, this is an easy to produce piece of content. How-to demos are very useful tools that you can make once, then use over and over again. Add it to the FAQ section of your website, use it as evergreen social media content, or send it to local media outlets as a helpful tip to feature.  Remember to keep videos short and sweet.

Day 18: Meet the staff

Employee appreciation! Many of us have been in a position where we didn’t feel valued by our employer and that can put a real damper on team culture. Posting an employee feature will let your team know they are truly being seen and their hard work is not going unnoticed. Happy employees = higher employee retention. Plus it helps customers get to know who is helping serve them.

Check out my feature here.

Day 19: Events for the season

The start of a new quarter is a good time to get everyone excited for all of your upcoming events of the season! For us, we’ve transitioned our most popular services into virtual events, such as open office days for business owners. If you are a restaurant, perhaps you are updating your menu. While this doesn’t seem to jump out as an event idea, you could tease the new menu and do a countdown on social media with new recipe features and explanations of the inspiration behind each dish.

Day 20: Blogs

Blogs aren’t ideal for Instagram, but for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter they are great content pieces for business posts plus they help with search engine optimization (SEO).  SEO, according to, is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. We use our blogs as a marketing theme wrap up. Every two weeks we kick off a new marketing theme. At the end of the two weeks, we bundle up all of our marketing tips for that theme into a nice, neat, sharable blog post. You could use yours as a way to let your customers know what to expect for the upcoming season, or simply giving a deep dive into your pro insights on your industry.

We hope that this full month of content suggestions helps you start 2021 strong! If you need help finding your social media flow after this social media push, email me at We can schedule a one-on-one coaching session to help get you and your team on the right path.

Germono Advertising Company