Our Favorite Podcasts

Podcasts are the new blog and everyone is jumping on board. For free, you can listen to a story, learn how to run your business, or try to solve a mystery. The key word in that last sentence is listen – unlike other forms of social media where one must be involved, the podcast has become informative background noise while you work, workout, or cook dinner.

Before the Germono Advertising Company team shares some of the podcasts we listen to, we must mention our favorite: our very own Drop and Give Me 20 podcast! Founder Lindsey Germono speaks with military-affiliated entrepreneurs and new episodes drop on the first and fifteenth of every month. After finishing this post, head over to www.GiveMe20Podcast.com to listen to all of our episodes.

So what is each team member’s favorite podcast (other than Drop and Give Me 20, obviously)? It’s no surprise that Lindsey Germono listens to something within the marketing realm. The Social Media Marketing Podcast is a hub for all things concerning… you guessed it, social media marketing!

And Marketing Coach Jenn Garrott? She doesn’t listen to podcasts other than Drop and Give Me 20 (gasp!).  However, as a business owner, it is important to remember that not everyone within your audience absorbs marketing trends the same way you do. So, it is imperative to follow your analytics and put your budget where it will have the most impact.

If you need help developing your marketing strategy, or even tweaking your current one, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@Germono.com or (757) 777-3780, so we can help make your small business flourish.

Germono Advertising Company