15 Mar Series Finale
Series Finale! Drop and Give Me 20 has created an avenue to meet fantastic guest speakers and get inspired by their real-life stories of trials and triumphs; as well as, glean insights into the business world.
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Throughout the series, we got the chance to see through the lenses of these influential military entrepreneurs as they gave us lessons to remember.
In this final act, join our host Lindsey Germono as she looks back and give thanks to everyone who has been a part of this fantastic podcast. We also get a chance to sneak peek into what’s next for her in her podcasting journey.
Ending this show doesn’t necessarily mean that this is goodbye, more like, see you later. With that, we would like to offer this finale as a parting gift to our avid listeners. Enjoy and we’ll see you around!
- [1:53] Goodbyes? More like, stay tuned for what’s next.
- [2:14] Lindsey’s takeaways and reflections towards the Drop and Give Me 20 Podcast.
- [4:40] Looking back to the podcasting journey and saying thanks to everyone for all the love and support.
- [5:02] What are the opportunities that Drop and Give Me 20 Podcast has brought throughout the years?
- [6:12] Bidding goodbyes (for now)
- [6:21] “Thank you for being a listener and a huge supporter of Drop and Give Me 20, it has been an incredible opportunity to share these messages with you.” – Lindsey Germono
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