Why are Social Media Reports Important?

You just gave a post a “thumbs up” and left a comment on Facebook and suddenly you start to receive a ton of notifications from other users on the same post with different reactions and opinions. What is in the message determines the many different reactions from followers.  These reactions can be best described as someone judging whether the message agrees or disagrees with their own attitude and how important a topic is to the listener. I have been creating social media reports for a month now and what seemed like a tedious task became something I really enjoy. As I sat down in my office on Monday morning, the question came across my mind was, “how do we determine what message is important to the audience?”

First, you must have an insightful knowledge of your audience and what I mean is, know them based on their age, gender, and location.  These are important aspects in developing your social media content. Once you know the characteristic makeup of your audience, content will become much easier to tailor that will grow your audience.

You may have a small business and you’re posting content on a weekly basis and engaged with social media, but how do you know that you are getting ideal results for your business? And what tools are you supposed to use to determine if you are growing your business?

There’s a method to the madness!  Based on your personal goals, you can determine which stats are most important to you by creating a social media report.  Doing this will allow you to see actual data analysis by using social media metrics to determine your latest progress and track the success of a post, product, marketing campaign, or event.


Here are the 5 social media metrics:


  • Reach – The number of people who had any posts from your Page and unique accounts that have seen any of your posts. Reach is very important because it determines your audience growth rate and total number of followers.
  • Impressions – The total number of times all your posts have been seen.
  • Engagement – The number of times your post was liked, saved, shared and commented on. This metric is the most notable one that can make anyone feel like a celebrity and ask for “no pictures”. Number of likes, favorites, and shares all fun to brag about.
  • Followers – The number of accounts that started following you. One of our favorite metrics that will make you feel famous.
  • Page Likes – The number of new people who have liked your page.


Now that you know the metrics, for your social media report choose a format that adapts to your preferences such as a PDF or PowerPoint and be creative by personalizing every page of the report that compliment your brand, logo, colors etc. Not sure what information to include? Reports are flexible, you can include whatever you want from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your blog content, or web analytics. 

The idea is to have a neat and professional presentation easy to understand and to have the all the main information available right at your fingertips.

So, now it’s time to make it happen. AMAZE your BOSS or STAFF with an incredible Social Media Report!

REMEMBER, everyone wants REAL results.

Want to know more and need help creating a social media report? Drop us a line: info@germono.com

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