Top 4 Reasons to Create a LinkedIn Profile

By Anna McGrath, Marketing Intern

LinkedIn is a unique website and form of social media for anyone in the professional atmosphere. It gives users a chance to connect with professionals in their field and network like never before. Here are four beneficial reasons to create a personal LinkedIn profile.


  1. Networking

Connecting with people in your field is important. LinkedIn gives you a chance to meet and link with people who can help you in your field that you may not meet in your typical day to day life. Networking with different professionals can lead to new job opportunities, inspire new ideas in the workplace, or even create friendships.


  1. Job Opportunities

LinkedIn is a great way to find out about different job opportunities in the area. There are often applications to jobs that are easy to find within LinkedIn that outline the requirements and experience expected for the position. LinkedIn is a unique way to apply to a job that is definitely worth looking into.


  1. Professional Branding

Having the opportunity to create a profile that highlights your professional background is a great tool. Future employers, colleagues, and friends have the opportunity to see your accomplishments and skill sets in an organized way in the form of a profile. Having a LinkedIn also puts your name onto Google, which will lead anyone searching for you to your professional profile.


  1. News and Articles

LinkedIn is a great way to share accomplishments, read about different articles and news related to your specific industry, and browse different profiles. Being connected with like-minded individuals creates an opportunity to read about new things and learn about topics that are important.


The benefits to having a personal LinkedIn Profile are almost endless. LinkedIn is one of the most unique social media platforms and is something that every professional should look into having.

Want to learn more about creating a LinkedIn profile? Contact me at! Stay connected with us on LinkedIn here!

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