14 Nov Why You Should Promote Local
By BobbieAnne W, Marketing Assistant
For the first time, Hampton Roads proclaims a Buy Local Month for the region! Buy Local Month is a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of supporting local businesses (like us) who are the backbone of the local economy. As a boutique agency, we do a lot of local promotion as well as collaborations to promote other local business. I’m going to talk about a few reasons why you should too.
Small businesses depend on a thriving local economy. Local economies thrive from local shoppers. Local shoppers benefit from successful small business from the support and money that goes back into that community. As you can see, it all works together and it can start with you. Start by integrating your business into the community. You can do this by sponsoring school teams or events, hosting seasonal open houses, or offering “locals only” deal. This will highly increase your brand awareness among the community. Don’t forget to attend a few networking events! Consumers are more likely to recommend a business that they’ve had a personal interaction with.
Give recognition to the businesses that have help yours! Many times, shoppers are unaware of a local option for the product or service they are looking for. Being vocal about the carpenter who built your counters, the banker who helped with your small business loan, your tax professional who helps you yearly, guides those shoppers in the right direction keeping more funds in recirculation.
Local and independent businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue and more job opportunity equals community expansion. Promoting local is a win, win…win situation for everyone!
Looking for small business to help manage or audit your social media? We’ve got you covered, send us an email to info@germono.com for a consultation.