Everything You Need To Know About Calls to Action

Everything You Need To Know About Calls to Action

By Justice Abbott

Calls to action (CTA) are an important tool to implement in your marketing plan because they make it clear to potential customers which actions to take next in supporting your business. We’re here to explain everything you need to know about calls to action and how to use them!

What are CTAs?

A call to action, also known as a CTA, is a prompt that tells users to take a specified action. CTAs are typically written as commands or action phrases that often take the form of a button or hyperlink. These links or buttons then link to a webpage where users can take further action. Without a clear CTA, users might not know the next steps to purchase your product/service, sign up for a newsletter, or whatever else you might want them to do  A lack of CTAs will likely result in your marketing efforts NOT accomplishing their goals.

Types of CTAs

Now that we know how important CTAs are, here are the main types you should consider using:

  • Subscription: a CTA that will prompt users to subscribe to your content, whether that be a newsletter, channel, etc.
  • Lead magnet: anything you offer a website/page visitor in exchange for their contact information… thus generating a new lead.
  • Purchase: a direct action for users to make a purchase from you!
  • Learn More: if your visitors aren’t quite ready to buy from you, this CTA will give them more information about what you’re offering or answer some of their more-detailed questions.
  • Social sharing: a CTA to get people to share your content with others.

How To Use CTAs

The simplest example of a CTA is, “Buy now!” But, the more information you provide, the better and more effective the CTA will be. You want to help your audience know what to expect when taking action from your post.

Keep these 4 things in mind when writing a CTA:
1. Use a strong command verb to start.
2. Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm.
3. Give your audience a reason why they should take that action.
4. Take advantage of FOMO (fear of missing out) by mentioning a sale or promotion.

It’s always a good idea to mix CTAs into your marketing plan. Be careful about only posting calls to action or adding one into all of your posts. This can be super overbearing for your followers and actually cause them to stop engaging with your content. A good rule of thumb is to implement a CTA no more than once or twice a week!

Remember, if you ever need any clarification on our tips or just want an extra set of eyes on your marketing plan, shoot us an email at info@germono.com.

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