16 Nov Social Media Content Ideas for Thanksgiving
We are just one week away from being able to wear our stretchy pants and engorge ourselves to our hearts content with turkey and all the fixings. Besides thinking about what you’re going to eat…have you created your social media content yet? Thanks to our Super Ninja Marketing Assistant, we have you covered.
Here are 3 social media content ideas for Thanksgiving week:
1. Put your staff out there! – Everyone loves to see a business taking it down a notch from their usual sales pitching. We believe highlighting your staff at ANY point is always a great marketing idea. In this case, we want to do this around the Thanksgiving holiday. For example, you may want to grab pictures of your staff with their family from past years or just a photo of themselves (always ask for permission to post). Then you could ask them to write a little feature on what family tradition they have. Engage your audience by asking them how they spend their turkey day!
2. Feature your client/customer success stories! – Do you have any clients or customers that have experienced success from your services or products? Reach out to them and ask if you can feature them on your social media feeds for the week of Thanksgiving. (We like to use testimonials as well.) After featuring them, you can add to that post by thanking them for being a loyal patron!
3. Create funny memes or videos! – Holidays feel crazy. People get stressed. What better way to combat that, than with humor? For memes, we do recommend always checking your sourcing and rights to images. If you are unsure, you can always use sites like Canva to create your own graphic! You could also get creative with videos by using Hyperlapse, Boomerang, or an app of your choosing. Need some content suggestion for videos? Instead of featuring your staff in photos, feature them in a video. Ask them to tell a funny thanksgiving story about themselves or someone they know.
Feeling as if you’re too busy to post or come up with content for your business’s social media feeds? Did you know this is one of the services we offer? Drop us an email at info@germono.com or call our main line at 757-777-3870 to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation today!